Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3rd (Day 1)

To be quite honest I was not sure what to expect when I walked in to class today. I am not very good with computers and my knowledge is very limited on to what I do know. I am also very intimidated when it comes to computers since I do not have much experience. However, even after today I know way more than I did when I walked in. Learning about Web.2.0 was eye opening and really interesting. I had no clue all the purposes of some websites and never realized how helpful they could be. Since I am not especially good with computers, learning about the resources they provide was honestly needed. I never really understood how vital computers are to the classroom and how they could aid you when you are teaching everyday. For example, when we went on to the website I was blown away by the tools available to anyone who wants them. There were so many games that would be beyond helpful to students and they were all done in a way that was fun and easy to learn. Also, there were practice problems for kids who may be struggling with a certain subject and lesson plans and worksheets that the teachers could print off. Since I want to teach either elementary students or special needs students, this website proved to be a great resource and one that I can gain ideas from and potentially use in the future. I am very happy we were introduced to it today and I know I gained from today's class.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for your ah-ha moment finding resources online. But don't stop there. There's more. Keep exploring. Continue to question. Embrace "I wonder what's next?"
